Language: Mandarin Chinese
Source: Classical literature


Dāo fēng (刀鋒) means the point of a blade.1

Chinese dāo blade tips come in a variety of shapes, from acute tips to more rounded ones, to oblique tips like common on Japanese swords. some are purely single edged, others have back bevels and yet others are fully double-edged.

Tip of a saber
A sharp backedge on a 17th century northern officer's saber.

A variety of Chinese saber points.A variety of Chinese saber points.

Also see:

For a complete overview of saber terminology, see: A Chinese saber glossary.

1. Tongwen Guanghui Quanshu (同文廣彙全書) or "Enlarged and complete dictionary" of 1704. A Qing imperial dictionary in Chinese and Manchu, each entry double-checked and approved by the Kangxi emperor.

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With a golden damascened lock of the Indo-Portuguese type.


Very good example with a finely carved warrior scene.


Probably of Southern origin, with a straight blade and flaring tip.


In the style of northern work of the 16th and 17th centuries


A simple utilitarian weapon, probably made for rural martial artists or militia.


A standard pattern Qing military saber, but with the rare addition of a label in Manchu.
